Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The farce that is democracy

Casually surfing channels on a tuesday evening, i came across two news reports. One, which represents an attempt to manipulate the electoral process for ensuring success in elections and the second, the story of a common citizen being manipulated by the supposed pillars of democracy the police, the state government and the judiciary.

A proposal by Mr. Narendra "Godhra" Modi, who clearly believes (rightfully) he can get away with murder, wherein he wants voting to be made compulsory and mandatory. Its simply amazing how the political leaders of this country believe that they can behave like dictators on the backing of electoral successes. One guesses that this latest brainwave stems from an underlying fear of his votebank shrinking/not turning up to vote. Mr. Modi is in urgent need of two things : a copy of the Indian constitution (preferably a Gujarati version as he might just demand) and lots of common sense as he fails to realise the practicality of the proposal. Rather than spending the additional crores on tracking who has not voted and enforcing his "visionary"
proposal, the money will be well spent in the development of this country. Possibly introducing "none of the above" option in the voting lists would attract more voters to the booths than a law mandating the same. And just to make matters more complex, how do they intend to penalise people who dont vote? Possibly Mr. Modi's followers vote on his/her behalf?!!!

The second news report, was of a 16 year old girl committing suicide 2 years after she filed a complaint against a senior police officer for molestation. Ironically, a court sentenced the police officer for a 6 month term. And the usual story of the connivance between the politicans and police system. It is time we had a good look at our judiciary system on the whole and specifically laws dealing with sexual harrasment/molestation. We might as well be un-democratic when it comes to dealing with such offences rather than end up under punishing such ghastly crimes. A person molesting a young boy/girl deserves no less than being shot in public. Such punishments would essentially give such #$%*@#$! what they exactly a deserve, somebody putting them out of their misery.

And despite all this, our politicians are still thumping their chests about the world's largest democracy.......no wonder people dont turn up to vote.....