Thursday, October 29, 2009

Indian Democracy - Evolving by the second

Cutting across the boundaries of age, sex, caste and other regular criteria for seggregating between the people one comes across, the most common opinion which possibly could be found is a strikingly similar dissatisfaction with the entire political system (or in some cases limited knowledge as well)..........but surely something has to be right with this...someone somewhere has to be doing something right for the economy to grow at the rate it does.......for our country to achieve the stature it has in the international community......One thing which i am not prepared to accept is all the success our country has had is despite the politics and the requires the politicians to contribute as well...........Agreed that there might be shortcomings.....agreed we have lots to achieve.....but there are examples of how strongwilled politicians in the government can drive prime example of it would be the nuclear treaty driven by one of the most qualified, knowledgeable and possibly the most effective prime minister of all times......the way the government handled Satyam is possibly the best way it could have been handled....timely intervention and a perfect exit.....A logical consequence (a difficult one at that one must admit) of induction of a certain Nandan Nilekani into the Unique Identification Number project would be more active involvement of the members of the private sector....Look forward to the day when selection of ministers is done cutting across party lines.....the person most suited to a ministry should get the job irrespective of which party he belongs to.....

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