Sunday, November 29, 2009


One of the advantages of being in the profession i am is getting to meet new people from different places all the time. Of different age groups, different origins, different skills. One of these guys is a guy from Allahabad who was recently transferred from the Naini plant (near Allahabad) of his employer. He was offered a choice between Baroda and Kolkata and based on the fact that Kol was a metro, it was an obvious choice. 2 months down the line over a cup of tea, he is generally frustrated. "Kolkata is a place where things dont move. People are content with how things are and dont allow any changes even if its better for the Company and would simply put roadblocks. The attitude in Allahabad is way better. For starters people are receptive to changes". These exact words of his still ring in my ears. And if you see this has been the story of our state. A state of stagnation, content which has been driving people out of this state. History and legacy are very good words for the library but when we use those words too frequently in one's day to day life one stagnates and lives in the past. And more often than not people who talk of their history dont have too much to talk about the present and future. And thats what exactly is the story of Kolkata and West Bengal. And no signs of change as well. A strike called by a trade union even if highly unsuccessful would result in half the working class stay back at home. A taxi driver assesses whether he wants to take a customer to his destination for 4 full minutes before eventually refusing. Judging by the present state God has a pretty difficult task of saving this state.
Yours historically

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