Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Something about terrorism...

The news that the football team of Togo had been attacked while they were on their way to Angola for the Africans' Cup of Nations came across as something very weird. Perceptions are built with time. One of the perceptions which i had developed over a period of time was terrorism and terrorists could not afford to antagonise the common man. For e.g. a terrorism in Kashmir would probably come to an end if Lashkar - e - Toiba operators plotted an attack on Sachin Tendulkar. Lets face it - the common citizen is probably more attached to his/her sporting or movie icons than a fellow citizen who was killed by the last terrorist attack. Terrorists who dont give a damn as to whether they are killing the sporting icon of a country or a common citizen are most dangerous and unpredictable. Lets hope we never have such terrorists - for that matter lets hope we dont have any sort of terrorists.

For terrorism to thrive, it needs tacit support of atleast one section (howsoever small they may be) of the population who empathise with the cause. For e.g. forcing shopkeepers to shut down their shops purely on account of the fact that the leader of a political party feels prices are too high (no doubt as to whether these guys are terrorists or not!!!) cannot be sustained unless a portion of the population wants to take a day off and shit at home. Precisely what ails Bengal.

Another form of terrorising people potentially is writing one's blog and push it to your face by linking it to Facebook!!!! Anyways hoping for a terror free world....yours terrorisingly....AV

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